TRISON, leadership based on innovation and talent

The execution of an average of 2,500 projects per year in 112 countries in Europe, Asia and the Americas, together with the trust of some of the most prestigious multinational brands, position TRISON as the European leader in the audiovisual integration sector for the fourth consecutive year.

TRISON is a global company dedicated to the digitisation of spaces to create unique customer experiences through the integration of audiovisual systems, the generation of creative and spectacular digital content and the application of innovative sensory marketing solutions. Since its creation in 1999, the company's commitment to continuous innovation and the incorporation of talent, together with its international vocation, have led to sustained and sustainable growth, making it the European market leader in the audiovisual integration sector for the fourth consecutive year. TRISON currently has its own offices in 14 countries in Europe, Asia and America and executes an average of 2,500 projects per year in 112 countries.

  • 2.5K Projects per year
  • 112 Countries
  • 28 years

Our offices