
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals set out a path that is not only appropriate but essential. A path that companies, with their leaders at the helm, must follow to show society that there is another way of doing business, that it is possible to go beyond private profits. Because companies are the people who form them and the society in which they are inserted.

That is why, at TRISON, like more and more companies around the world, we make public our commitments with a 2030 vision, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. And we are committed to advancing year by year on this path to reach the achievements we set out to achieve.

Leaving a Better World: This is How We Understand Sustainability.

Our commitment to sustainability goes beyond regulatory compliance and corporate social responsibility; it responds to our commitment to ethical capitalism and competitive social transformation, that is, generating shared value by all and for all.

Download our Sustainability Report.
Download our GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Certificate.

We contribute to the SDGs

TRISON is fully committed to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals adopted in 2015 by the United Nations.
TRISON has therefore taken these goals into account in the design of its Sustainability Commitment 2030, so that the company's priorities and actions contribute significantly to the achievement of the SDGs. To this end, the company has carried out a process to identify and prioritise the most relevant SDGs for the Group in the countries and sectors of activity in which it operates, both for the company's direct operations and for the indirect operations associated with its value chain. As a result of this process, the most relevant SDGs for TRISON have been classified.

Through our corporate policies and commitments we also contribute to the SDG targets, which inspire our Sustainability Commitment.

Download our Sustainability Commitment Charter.

Sustainability 2030

Our main areas of action at corporate level:
Creation of stable and quality employment, gender diversity and equal opportunities, professional development (training and career plans), health and safety at work, job opportunities for young people.

Carbon footprint reduction, waste reduction.
Download our Carbon Footprint Certificate.

What targets do we hit?

Through our corporate actions and our business solutions, we have a direct impact on the following Sustainable Development Goals.

Goal 13: Climate action / Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy
TRISON has expressed its voluntary commitment to the fight against climate change, defining and approving its climate change strategy and establishing a climate change action plan. The company is also a key player in the transition to a new energy model, which is necessary to combat climate change.

Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
The development of TRISON's activities as an image and sound installation company contributes to the economic growth of the country, generating quality employment and creating jobs, as well as contributing shared value to the economic, environmental and social progress of the environment in which the company operates.

Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages
TRISON, through its Occupational Health and Safety management system, guarantees the safe work of its workers and third parties who interact in its works, as well as their health.

Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
TRISON's management has identified as a strategic objective "the development of labour relations based on equal opportunities, non-discrimination and respect for diversity" contained in the plan to improve, among other things, the satisfaction and quality of life of its employees.

Download our SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) Certificate.

Internationally recognised sustainability indices:


Updated:22-10-2024 12:15